Selling is as easy on you, as it is on the planet.
No taking photos of items, haggling with strangers, researching prices, sorting out delivery logistics, etc. required! When you sell to Bounce Mkt, we do the hard work for you; simply send us your items and we’ll take it from there!
Know what you’re getting upfront.
We buy outright, which means that you get your pay-out as soon as you accept the offer, regardless of if/when the items sell. We offer competitive pay-outs and give you a detailed breakdown so you can see exactly what you’re getting for each item before you accept the offer.
Pay-outs are based on the original listing price; we offer 1/3 of the price that the item will be listed at when you receive your pay-out via check/Venmo or ½ the listing price when you choose store credit.